About » About FES

About FES

Fairview School is a PreK-5 elementary school in the Fairview community of Habersham County, which is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of northeast Georgia. Our school is 85 miles northeast of Atlanta. The school was established in 1938 to serve students in the surrounding community. 

Mission, Vision, and Beliefs


At Fairview Elementary School our goal is to provide our students with an environment conducive to learning; therefore, it is expected for our students to display appropriate behavior on a daily basis. The following behavior management plan will be implemented in an effort to maintain an orderly learning environment and to redirect students’ inappropriate behavior. Students can and will learn to modify and manage their behavior so that it is appropriate for school. We strive to create and reach high expectations for all of our students’ behavior and academic progress. Family involvement in this process will play an integral part in our students’ overall success. Please take the time to discuss the components of this plan with your child. Teachers will keep families informed of students’ inappropriate behaviors. If necessary, parents (or guardians) will be required to meet with teachers and the principal to develop a specific plan for a child’s behavioral success.


School Vision Statement
F.E.S. (Future leaders Excelling and Serving) School Mission Statement Our FES mission is to provide students with the academic, social, and thinking skills necessary to become leaders who excel in the midst of challenge, take responsibility for personal choices, and value themselves and others while serving in a diverse world. Fairview’s Big 3 Positive Behaviors:

  1. Make Smart Choices
  2. Treat Others Right
  3. Maximize Your Potential






School Report Card


School Report Card



School Digger Report


School Digger FES